Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Books vs. TV or the Movies

I don’t know about other people, but I get really annoyed when I’m watching a TV show or movie made from a best-selling novel and the scriptwriters completely change the story. The one sticking in my craw right now is HBO’s Game of Thrones TV series. Up to now it’s been a fine production. Yes, there have been some “revisions” to the story line along the way, but I’ve written them off as necessary due to the limitations of putting the books on the screen. Now however, the writers have gone way off course, and it’s Game of Thrones in a parallel universe! Then there’s that nagging little problem where George R. R. Martin hasn‘t finished the book version yet, and all of us are hanging on by our nails waiting for The Winds of Winter to come out. Where, oh where do we go from here? What happened to Griff and Little Griff?

In this day where less people read and most watch TV, watching a story on screen does not mean you know what happened in the book. That’s been true for a long time. But the book was great for a reason, and what entitles scriptwriters to screw around with that? If I sold rights to a story, I would insist that the scriptwriters had to remain faithful to my creative vision. Okay, so you can’t tell the story in an hour or even two-and-a-half hours. Admit defeat and don’t try. Do a series or a mini-series—or, as in the case of Lord of the Rings, or The Hobbit, do several movies. Or, don’t even try to put it on film! Let people actually read the story if it’s so important. The first few attempts to put Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit on film were complete fiascos, and most folks believed film versions were impossible.

My husband Sam doesn’t even want to watch Game of Thrones anymore, and I’m obviously disgusted. I suppose Daenerys will be disappearing down a rabbit hole next. I’m equally certain that HBO doesn’t give a fig what I think. Stay tuned—I’m still wondering how they plan to pull it all off!


Friday, January 9, 2015

"Je Suis Charlie!"

I am certain I am not alone in my outrage at the recent murders of the Charlie Hebdo staff in Paris, France. I will not hesitate to stand with them or any other people wishing to express their ideas—no matter how outrageous they may be. I suppose the Muslims guilty of this horror felt words alone were insufficient to redress the crime of insulting the Prophet? I can only echo the immortal words of Voltaire, who’s been quoted many times over the past few days: “I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

You know, God does not need us measly mortals to defend him. Nor does Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, or Confucius! Their words and teachings must stand on their own and convince us one way or the other to follow them or not. Jesus’ good name is dragged in the mud every day, and yes, as a Christian it makes me angry, but I pray for those benighted individuals, as Jesus instructed us to do. If Allah is such a good and just god, I would think he would want the same. What kind of religion teaches that you’ll go to Heaven for murdering people? Lots of Muslims insist Islam doesn’t either, so where do all the murders and suicide bombings come from? How did these people get it wrong? Furthermore, what do Muslims plan to do about it?

Shariyah Law has no place in France where a mere 6% of the population is Muslim (according to the PBS News Hour yesterday). If you want to live under its restrictions, then I suggest you move to where the population has voted it to be the law of the land. Until then, WE live according to the freedoms granted to us under our respective Constitutions, among which is Freedom of Speech!—And, we have NO intention of giving it up.

From what I’ve seen on TV, I probably would think much of what Charlie Hebdo published was outrageous and offensive, but you know what? I just wouldn’t read it anymore. If what they publish is really so bad, then other people will also refuse to read it, it will go under and cease to publish altogether. That’s how things work here. You don’t silence people by killing them!

Vive la France!