I’m sure you’ve already heard the bad news: Punxsutawney Phil (AKA the Official American Weather Groundhog) saw his shadow today, so that means we’re in for six more weeks of winter. This may seem a bit arcane to some of you. Tsk, tsk, having a groundhog predict the weather! It is pretty reliable, though, at least from what I’ve read through the years. One Canadian study says the rodents’ forecasts have been about 37% accurate for the past 30-40 years, based on data from 13 cities, whereas the National Climatic Data Center puts it at 39%.*That’s actually not too bad, when it comes to guessing what Mother Nature’s going to do.
Groundhog’s Day is an American folk tradition and the translation of an old European custom where a badger or sacred bear would see its shadow, be frightened, and return to its burrow to hibernate a few more weeks until the weather improved.* Anyway, who cares how accurate it is? I’m resigned to Spring getting here when it gets here (I’m planting peas and washing my car today, so you know I’ve already done my part to insure that we’ve got six more weeks to go). I like the fact that it’s a holiday where a fat, furry little critter presides, and it’s a great excuse to party—especially if you happen to be in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania**: the town made famous by Bill Murray and Andie McDowell in the 1993 film Groundhog Day. If you haven’t seen it yet, by all means run down and grab a rental. It is one of the best comedies I have ever seen, and I never tire of watching it.
Phil has his own website***, if you want to read more about the goings on and the Wikipedia article* is most enlightening as well. I especially love the colorful names of the various chosen woodchucks through the years. There is quite a troupe (Flock? Herd? Tribe? Horde? Who knows what a grouping of hoary marmots is called?) of them now! The names range from French Creek Freddie to Jimmy the Groundhog—but so far Punxsutawney Phil still seems to be king of the rock. At least, he gets the most publicity. Oh, and the 2009 Phil beanie babies are already sold out, though the word is you might find one from an earlier year on eBay.
Well, not to cut this short, but I have those peas to plant and my car to wash! Happy Groundhog’s Day everyone! Let’s all lift a glass and salute these cute (and no so little) guys!
*Statistics and background material courtesy of Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day)
*Statistics and background material courtesy of Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day)
**The Official Website of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club:
***Phil’s Site:
The YouTube video:
**The Official Website of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club:
***Phil’s Site:
The YouTube video:
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