Monday, October 29, 2012

Are We DONE Yet?

A subjective reflection on the campaign process in the United States:

I’m certain I am not alone in looking forward to Election Day this year. I normally don’t discuss my feelings and opinions regarding politics or religion unless asked, but I have to speak out. The election process in this country has got to be one of the most insane, ludicrous, and wasteful activities ever conceived, and I doubt anyone out there will disagree.
It doesn’t matter which “side” you happen to be on; you are bombarded incessantly day and night with the most wretched excesses imaginable. And pretty much all negative. This goes on for years, reaching a fever pitch in the last month—in which time it’s moot with many of us who can now vote by mail. That time and money is totally wasted on reaching US, because we’ve already made our final decisions.
I don’t know how much money, not to mention time has been spent on this height of ridiculousness, but IT HAS GOT TO STOP! Otherwise many more voters will elect not to participate in the process. We just want out, but moving to New Zealand is not an option.
This year I did something I have never done before: I contributed to a campaign, and not just once. What that got me was a daily tab of at least six or more emails, purporting to be from the individuals concerned (but more likely from lower paid surrogates), hounding and begging me for more money. If I didn’t “give $19 more today, we could lose it all.” Hogwash. You got all you’re gonna get from me, so deal with it. Next time you’re only getting a buck.
Yes, I DO care who wins, but will I donate again in the future? Probably not—but not because I don’t care. Triple negative! I’m NOT a millionaire or billionaire with $$$ to write off on my income tax. Chances are I won’t be able to write off any of it, since unless it amounts to more than the benefit I’m allowed from the standard deduction, it won’t matter a whit to my net income. Right now I just want it to be over so I don’t have to listen to any more merde!
(Sigh) ARE we done yet?